The Unfolding Collection

During the pandemic we felt disrupted. There were missing pieces to our lives. We felt disconnected. The Unfolding Collection is about how life continues even if we don’t see what’s next. The Collections may seem like a series of unconnected images but in fact they are connected by the very fact that life goes on.

Some of the paintings are colorful, some black and white. Some of the paintings are landscapes and three of them are flowers; some abstract and some realistic. 

…the horizon unfolds, the morning too, the evening unfolds as do the mountains, and likewise the flowers.
The spiral of the shell unfolds. And so does our life.

When I decided to call the collection The Unfolding Collection, it was because the horizon unfolds, the morning too, the evening unfolds as do the mountains, and likewise the flowers. The spiral of the shell unfolds. And so does our life.  

As you step out into your new normal, I hope the Unfolding theme encourages you to deeply know there is a what next, even if it is still unfocused. There is a promise in the rhythm of the sunrise and the sunset that continues each day. There are new places to visit now that we can travel, new vistas to explore. Find the beauty in the bloom that opens and know it is a picture of a heart prepared to embrace life again going forward.  

The Salt Plains Series

The Salt Plains has a rare beauty that unfolds before me, but its vastness also reminds me of how limited I am as a human. It makes me think of how big God is and how much I need Him to sustain me. When I first laid eyes on the photos of the Salt Plains that my son took while visiting them in Oklahoma, I knew I wanted to paint them.

The horizon unfolds

and likewise the flowers.

Day and night and day… unfold.

The spiral of the shell unfolds, and so does our life.