Yes, I have something to say!
I am a published Haiku poet who finds great satisfaction in devotional writing. On a practical level I write “how to” articles about the things I love to do and the questions I hear most often on my job as a graphic designer. I aspire to write art reviews and articles on faith, art, and culture. The Blog, Yes, I Have Something to Say, was restarted the summer of 2020 with that goal in mind. It is about art and all things creative.
An Artist Who Teaches,
a Teacher Who Writes

Can I paint your photo?
There’s a story behind one of my favorite questions, “Can I paint your photo?”

Good Vibes Come by Handwritten Notecards
Receiving a lovely handwritten note card from a friend or family member, especially in today's digital age, can truly uplift your spirits.

My Challenge
You see, my sister commissioned me to paint a set of three shells shortly after she began chemo for the 2nd time for ovarian cancer. In light of that, I will be donating a portion of the sale to research in her honor. I am even more excited about donating to research then I am about the order itself.