Yes, I have something to say!
I am a published Haiku poet who finds great satisfaction in devotional writing. On a practical level I write “how to” articles about the things I love to do and the questions I hear most often on my job as a graphic designer. I aspire to write art reviews and articles on faith, art, and culture. The Blog, Yes, I Have Something to Say, was restarted the summer of 2020 with that goal in mind. It is about art and all things creative.
An Artist Who Teaches,
a Teacher Who Writes

How I Make My Watercolor Paintings Muddy
I know you are wondering how I make my watercolor paintings muddy. Or why it happens to yours. Here's some insight into muddy colors.

An Easy Way to Paint Colorful Autumn Leaves
Get out those watercolors that you got for Christmas. You have been meaning to learn how to paint and here’s an exercise that is simple to do. It let’s you explore a few new techniques.

Can I paint your photo?
There’s a story behind one of my favorite questions, “Can I paint your photo?”

Exploring Art in Isolation
It was 2020 when I got a good chuckle from a fellow artist. She posted a photo of a painted empty toilet paper roll. I asked her if it was a challenge. She said, “I feel like it could be one.”

Dealing with the Background in Your Artwork.
This question is probably one of the most important questions a student can ask, because most students don’t want to deal with the background in their art work. They render an object and then they are done. That isn’t wrong, but there is this whole other dimension of creating objects that exist in a place with things around them, or atmosphere, light, and shadow.